
Showing posts from July, 2021

Cheap Eid Deals and Promotions 2021/2022

Now that the Eid is just around the corner, it is time to start planning and preparing for the Eid ul Adha Sale . This is one of the most awaited festivals in Pakistan and is celebrated with great pomp and gusto. The festival commemorates the end of Ramadan and is celebrated with all the fire and brilliance that one can ever imagine. It is considered to be a blessed event which involves several ceremonies like the visit of the family and friends, shopping and gifting. Many women from different parts of Pakistan look forward to the end holidays in anticipation as they try their best to make the occasion a memorable one. The preparations for the auspicious occasion starts with the release of gifts and good offers by the people from all over the country. These include Eid Mubarak, Durga Puja, Hainan Mufti Day, Azarindranath Jayanti, etc. After this, the entire town and regions get flooded with visitors who join the celebrations in large numbers. Every household in Pakistan opens its doors...

Eid ul Adha Sale on Wheels

Eid ul Adha is the festival of Lights. It is celebrated with great pomp and show in various parts of Pakistan. In fact, it is a big deal for the locals as it marks the end of Ramadan and it is widely celebrated by the community. Local residents in Pakistan mark this occasion with great zeal and joy by celebrating the best and most exciting festival of the year. Eid ul Adha sales are on high this year too . The reason for this could be the popularity of the moon and new moon phases, which take place at such a grand celebration. There are several shopping festivals during this period, which makes Eid ul Adha sale a huge success among the Muslims all over the world. In fact, there are many Eid promotions happening all over Pakistan from early spring to mid of September. This is a special time when the people of Pakistan feel like celebrating and have fun with each other. They buy lots of things like fresh fruits, vegetables, silverware, jewelries, leather goods, garments, and fireworks. ...

What Is An Eid UL Adha?

Eid ul-Fitr al-Rasoul are not the same holiday. While the latter features special pre-occasions activities, the Eid ul-Fitr normally deals with charitable donations. In fact, this holy festival is widely celebrated all over Pakistan with special feasts and charity fundraising events. Throughout the country, people give charities proceeds from their special eid sales and sale activities. Eid ul-Fitr is the second of two Islamic holidays, Muslim calendar, celebrated during the month of Ramadan. This holy day honouring the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice His son Isaac as an act of worship to God was made possible by God's intervention. Prior to Abraham's offering, God promised Abraham that His son would be sacrificed in lieu of Isaac. When Isaac was born, God sent the dove Noah to save him. Noah flew to the Jewish land and told Abraham that if he did not sacrifice Isaac to God, the son would die because of a disease. Thus, Abraham offered Isaac his son as a sacrifice so that ...